
Our meal suggestions

The Bay of Mont Saint-Michel and, more broadly, Brittany are full of diverse and varied specialities. Several possibilities are available for your meals during your stay at La Seigneurie:

  • Choose from a selection of meals for your stay
  • Bring your own caterer

Choose your meals and menus individually with our tailor-made offer or choose directly one of our 3 price offers with pre-defined meals and menus.

Cold meals at the Seigneurie

Prepared the same day by our caterer, you will have the choice between numerous salads and other cold dishes, for all tastes!


We offer quality meal trays prepared by our caterer. These are all composed of a starter, a main course, cheese and dessert and a bread roll.

Meal Tray

Brittany seafood offers a wide range of flavours. Close to the producers, we offer you tailor-made seafood platters for your guests.

Platter of seafood

Hot meal at the Seigneurie

Enjoy the wonderful pizzas of our Italian chef. Baked on a wood fire, these pizzas will delight your guests after a hard day's study.


Discover the local specialities with this tasty formula which will allow you to spend a good time around a big table with your guests.

Brittany specialities

Enjoy the garden while tasting quality products (meat and vegetables) grilled on our traditional barbecue.


With our Partners



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La Seigneurie, Saint-Benoît-des-Ondes, 35114, France

Contact us!

For any information or reservation request, please contact us directly by phone or email: [email protected]